During a special meeting on Monday, June 25, the Village Board approved an agreement between Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department and the Pleasant Prairie Police Department that allows Village Police Officers to be the first responding agency to emergency calls on 3.5 miles of the Kenosha Bike Trail that resides within Pleasant Prairie limits. The Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department will be secondary responding agency, but will retain co-jurisdictional authority with the entirety of Kenosha County and therefore may respond or take enforcement action if required.
“This collaborative decision will improve response to calls for service in the County and Village by combining and coordinating the law enforcement resources of the Kenosha Sheriff’s Department and the Pleasant Prairie Police Department,” stated David Smetana, Chief of Pleasant Prairie Police.
“We are always eager to find more effective ways to serve and protect the community,” says David Beth, Kenosha County Sheriff, “This agreement will make it efficient for local police to respond to emergency calls from the bike trail rather than to transfer the calls to the county.”