On Monday, September 25, the Pleasant Prairie Plan Commission
considered and sent a recommendation to the Village Board to approve a
certified survey map for 9201 Wilmot Road and site and operational plans
for Great Lakes Skipper, LLC.
The certified survey map would
subdivide the property, located at 9201 Wilmot Road, into two parcels
and dedicate the required easements for existing and future development
of the properties. O.C. Holdings, LLC is proposing to purchase the
properties and will execute the Memorandum of Understanding to complete
the required site improvements identified in the Conditional Use Permit
Grant No. 04-02 and 06-01. These exterior modifications are now required
since 50% or more of the building is proposed to be occupied.
Improvements will include a new storm water retention system, landscape
berms, replacement of the east parking lot with turf grass, removal of
existing lighting/signage in the east lot, and improvement to the
east/west fire lane driveway. These improvements are proposed to be
completed on or before September 1, 2018. The north/south driveway will
remain privately owned and maintained, but will also be reconstructed in
the future.
The commission reviewed and recommended approval for
Great Lakes Skipper, LLC, and a marine distribution facility for
boating parts is proposing to occupy 125,000 square feet of the
multi-tenant building, which is partially occupied by S.C. Johnson and
Fair Oaks Farms. The facility is proposed to employ 42 full-time
employees. Truck loading, unloading, and backing activities are limited
to between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. because of the proximity to single
family neighborhoods.