During a public hearing on Monday, December 11, the Pleasant Prairie Plan Commission approved a conditional use permit and site and operational plans for the construction of a 5,000 square foot Chick-fil-A restaurant to be located within the Prairie Edge development located south of Highway 50 (75th Street) and east of 91st Avenue in the Prairie Ridge Subdivision. The request was made by Jason Hill on behalf of Chick-fil-A. Inc. for the restaurant that will include an outdoor dining area and a drive-thru. Chick-fil-A's operator model is unique in that the operator is part owner with Chick-fil-A. The restaurant is proposed to be open Monday through Saturday from 6:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. and will be closed on Sundays. The restaurant plans to employ a total of 75 employees with 30-40 of these employees being part-time. There will be two shifts with up to fifteen employees working each shift.
Chick-fil-A is one of the largest chicken restaurant chains. They pride themselves in quick service and customer service. The company's philosophy is that their restaurant becomes an integral part of the communities where they are located through scholarships and sponsorships, including sponsorship of youth sports teams, and support of educational activities and leadership initiatives.
A Digital Security Imaging System (DSIS) for compliance with the Village's security ordinance, and related access easement were also approved as part of the site and operational plans. Hill also requested a Zoning Text Amendment to amend the Prairie Edge Planning Unit Development ordinance related to sign modifications. The Pleasant Prairie Plan Commission sent a favorable recommendation to the Village Board to approve this Amendment. Construction is proposed to begin in August of 2018 with completion anticipated in January of 2019.
Site and Operational Plans for Chick-fil-A Inc.pdf