The Village of Pleasant Prairie will close the dog park areas at Ingram Park on Friday, April 24. The decision to close the dog park came after a recommendation from Kenosha County. The goal is to slow the transmission of COVID-19 and limit the spread of the disease through animal to animal contact.
"I understand the dog park areas at Ingram Park are a valuable outlet for pets," said John Steinbrink Jr., Director of Public Works. "Having dog park areas closed might be challenging, especially now when the community is seeking outdoor activities; however, the action will ensure the safety of residents and their pets."
Closing the dog park will limit public places where a large number of people and dogs gather. According to the latest information from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), there is evidence that COVID-19 can spread from people to animals. The CDC reported that a small number of pets, including cats and dogs, have been infected after close contact with people that tested positive with COVID-19.
Closure signage is up near the dog park entrance gates. Residents should take pets for walks on leashes while maintaining at least six feet from other people and animals at all times. The Ingram dog park areas will remain closed until further notice.