On October 18, Village staff presented the proposed 2022 General Government Budget to the Village Board. The budget proposes raising the tax levy from $13,796,940 in 2021 to $14,282,832 for 2022, an increase of $485,892. The levy change will have a small impact on the property tax bill. An average home in the Village valued at $237,200 will translate to an $10.37 increase in the Village portion of the tax bill.
The funds will cover Village services such as fire and rescue, police, community development, road improvements, and snow plowing. The proposed 2022 budget includes a full-time deputy clerk position and inflationary increases across most departments. Proposed capital purchases include: road improvements of $2.2 million, Fire & Rescue Station #3 designs, Fire & Rescue Station #2 dorm remodel (Phase 2), new community development and regulations application, Ingram Park improvements, police fleet vehicle replacements, portable radios, a plow truck, transportation plan, and continuing Ash Tree replacement in right of ways.
A public hearing to adopt the 2022 General Government Budget and property tax levy, including operating, capital, and debt service, is planned for Monday, November 15, at 5:00 p.m., in the Village Hall Auditorium at 9915 39th Avenue.