Beverly Woods Subdivision, located north of 85th Street between 43rd Avenue and Cooper Road, was platted with rural cross-section roadways and inadequate roadside drainage in the 1970s. Area residents petitioned the Village Board in 2017 to repave the streets, and in response, the Public Works Department has scheduled the subdivision road improvements.
The current roadway pavement is at the end of its lifecycle and requires repaving; however, before pavement rehabilitation can move forward, the subdivision’s stormwater system needs to be improved. On Monday, January 18, the Village Board approved Preliminary Resolution #21-01, declaring intent to exercise special assessment for the stormwater improvements to the benefitted area.
The Preliminary Resolution approval initiates the process for the special assessment. The Village Engineer will prepare an assessment report and schedule, then set a public hearing date for the assessment. The proposed stormwater improvements for Beverly Woods Subdivision includes new storm sewers, roadside ditching, and sump pump laterals. The Village has included the project in the 2021 Water Utility Capital budget.
Below: Map of the proposed stormwater improvements for the Beverly Woods Subdivision.