The Village of Pleasant Prairie will be applying for a grant on behalf of Kenosha Area Business Alliance (KABA) to retain funds currently connected with a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Revolving Loan Fund that KABA administers.
The State is currently working to dissolve CDBG Revolving Loan programs statewide. The State has asked loan administrators to either return Revolving Loan dollars or partner with a municipality to redirect those funds to qualifying projects under the CDBG Capital Grant Program. KABA manages this program in Kenosha County, totaling about $5.2 million. KABA approached the Village and through discussions were able to identify qualifying projects in Pleasant Prairie.
Identified projects support areas in need of rehabilitation due to aging infrastructures (sanitary sewer, stormwater, roads, and water lines). Sections in Chateau, Timber Ridge, Beverly Woods, and South of 85th Street are the top four areas for improvements. The combined various cost associated with the projects consists of approximately $5.2 million. KABA has already received tentative approval from the State of Wisconsin.
Because these projects are already part of the Village’s existing Capital Plan, there is no financial impact to the Village. KABA will retain the funds to continue programs that aim to ensure future investments, raise the tax base, and develop high paying jobs throughout the community.
“The Village and KABA have a long history of working together,” said Nathan Thiel, Village Administrator. “The Village is grateful to play a supportive role. KABA is a phenomenal partner and an asset to Kenosha County and our community.”
The Village Board, September 21, adopted Resolution 20-24 to approve the Citizen Participation Plan for the CDBG Capital Grant Program. The adoption of the resolution is the initial step to apply for the grant. By executing the plan, in essence, the Village will pay the funds to the State of Wisconsin that KABA is required to return, and the State will re-issue the amount to the Village in the form of a capital grant.
“We appreciate our long-standing partnership with the Village of Pleasant Prairie and their willingness to work with us to ensure this funding remains in Kenosha County, ready to help companies here continue to thrive,” said Todd Battle, KABA President.
Since 2013, KABA has helped secure over 4,000 jobs, $1 billion of capital investment, and 8.5 million square feet of new buildings.