For anyone seeking non-emergency information related to the COVID-19, please utilize the 211 information number or visit
211 is a quick and easy way to find information and get referrals for thousands of programs and services across Wisconsin. 211 information and referral specialists are trained to assist callers seeking information or dealing with all types of challenges related to housing, utility shutoffs, family crisis, legal issues, alcohol and other drug recovery, employment and more.
211 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in over 180 languages. You can also text your ZIP code to 898211, or chat with through the website. By calling 211 you can get information and questions answered related to COVID-19. Your call is confidential and the service is free of cost.
If your phone does not recognize the three-digit dialing code "211", you can always call the toll-free number 877-947-2211. Additional information about 211 can be found at
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is also a great resource on how to protect yourself from COVID-19 and what actions to take if you are sick,
If you believe you have COVID-19, 211 recommends that you should call your health care provider.
By calling 211 you are alleviating the call volume to the community’s public safety personnel which allows them to focus their attention on protecting our community.