In order to provide garbage, recycling, leaf collection, residential recycling center, and hazardous waste collection services to the community, the Pleasant Prairie Village Board considered and approved an increase of $2.00 per month for solid waste/recycling collection that will go into effect in October.
The 2019 Solid Waste Budget includes $365,925 operating cost for curbside recycling collection and with the recyclable processing cost increase is not in the Village’s control, the 2019 projection is $459,500, an increase of $93,575. The adoption of the 2019 Solid Waste Utility Budget approved a $1.00 per month increase in the monthly billing for all residents effective during 2019 when water and sewer rates changes are implemented.
The sewer and water rates are now being implemented in October 2019, and recycling processing costs are projected to be another $100,000 greater in 2020 compared to 2019. Prior to the changes, garbage/recycling per month rates in Pleasant Prairie were $16.50 for automated collection and $17.50 for unlimited collection. With the increase, the new rates will be $18.50 and $19.50 respectively.
“Village residents can help bring down the cost of the recycling process,” stated Public Works Director John Steinbrink Jr., “Keep recyclables loose, not bagged, in the recycling cart. Recyclables in plastic bags are considered contaminated then dumped in the landfill which costs the Village $150 per ton to dump. We annually dump 352 tons of recyclables in the landfill every year because the recyclables are contained in plastic bags. The community is doing a great job keeping recyclables loose in their carts but we need to increase this effort to not only help the environment but also bring collection costs down.”