The back of the truck has a sticker that reminds residents of the items that can be placed into their single stream recycling cart. All have heard that recycling helps to "save" the environment, but there are also financial savings that are realized by the Village when recycling increases and less waste goes into the landfill.
The Village of Pleasant Prairie uses single stream recycling which is a process where all recycling materials are combined together and then later sorted at a remote transfer site. This allows you to combine paper, cardboard and other recycling materials into one recycling cart. Since recycled materials do not have a tipping fee, as garbage does, the Village saves when recycling. In 2016 there was 6812 tons of waste generated by the Village, and the tipping fees to dispose of this waste cost the Village $303,821, which is based on a tipping fee of $44.60 per ton. The Village recycled 2058 tons of materials. Keeping more waste out of landfills is fiscally responsible for the Village.
Items to Place in recycling cart:
• Corrugated cardboard
• Chip paper (cereal boxes)
• Mixed paper (magazines and newspapers)
• Office paper
• Shrink/stretch wrap
• Plastic bottles, cans, containers
• Glass containers
• Aluminum cans and containers
• Steel cans and containers
Thank you Graphics, Inc. for your contribution towards the garbage truck stickers and installation by supporting the Village recycling campaign.